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Funding innovation

We are constantly trialling new technology and innovative ways of working to save money, reduce customer inconvenience and keep the whole sector moving forward.

Our regulator, Ofgem, provides several pots of money to support groundbreaking projects. Gas distributors can bid for this funding, with Ofgem looking favourably on projects which stand to improve efficiency across the whole industry and deliver environmental benefits.

Ofgem provides three separate streams of funding to encourage energy distributors to develop groundbreaking projects.

Customer funding

Network Innovation Allowance (NIA): funds smaller projects that will deliver benefits to customers.

The NIA has enabled us to develop a range of important new projects to save time, money and customer inconvenience during our day-to-day work, as well as develop the energy sources of the future.

You can read about our latest NIA funded projects in this year’s innovation report.

Envinronmental funding

Network Innovation Competition (NIC): an annual competition for flagship innovation projects that will deliver environmental benefits.

Low-carbon funding

Innovation Roll-out Mechanism: to fund the roll-out of proven innovations which will support a low-carbon future or broader environmental benefits