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The tender process

To enter into an interruptible contract, shippers, on behalf of their consumers, must successfully bid for interruption rights through an interruption tender process. The window when offers for interruption can be submitted is normally open in June each year, though additional ad hoc interruption tender events may be held at other times if necessary.

The process is as follows:

  • Identification

    The distribution network identifies locations where an element of interruptible capacity would be beneficial for the management of the gas distribution system.

  • Invitation

    The distribution network invites offers from eligible consumers, via their shipper, to provide interruptible capacity through an interruption tender process or auction.

  • Assessment

    The distribution network assesses any bids received on the basis of economic viability.

  • Selection

    The consumers who have bids accepted by the distribution network through this process become Contracted Interruptibles.

  • Service

    Consumers contracted to provide interruptible capacity are compensated through payment of the Option Price and Exercise Price. These prices are specified in the bids made during the interruption tender process and become part of the interruption contract when the bid is accepted by the distribution network.

Under the terms of Uniform Network code (UNC), bids for interruption are made by shippers on behalf of their customers, and an interruptible contract is between the distribution network and the shipper.

Submitting your bids

Please ensure that bids are submitted via Xoserve in the required format.

Results from recent tenders

Results for the recent tender process have not been published as the UNC requirements to publish were not met. The minimum requirement for publication is the acceptance of interruption offers submitted by at least three users in an LDZ

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