If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Find out what to do if you think you have a gas emergency.

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Out of hours: 0113 322 7978

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Smell Gas?
0800 111 999
Day or night
Non-emergency calls
Customer Care Team
0800 040 7766

Social Media Standards

  • We’ll always try to respond quickly, but we can’t guarantee we’ll reply to every post on our social channels
  • Any reply will be correct at time of post
  • Always be polite and respectful of others
  • Never disclose an individual’s personal identity or identifying information including their name/and or image, unless you have their permission
  • Never tweet or post someone else’s copyrighted work unless you have their permission
  • We can’t be held responsible for views express on our social channels other than our own
  • We may unfollow, block or report users who we feel breach the above guidance on respecting others and/or disclosing personal information without permission