If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Find out what to do if you think you have a gas emergency.

Customer Care Team
Telephone 0800 040 7766

Email the Customer Care Team at customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Connections Team
Telephone 0800 040 7766

Email the Connections Team at gasconnections@northerngas.co.uk

Press Office
Telephone 0113 322 7950

Telephone Out of hours: 0113 322 7978

Stakeholder Relations Team

Email the stakeholder team at stakeholder@northerngas.co.uk

Smell Gas?
0800 111 999
Day or night
Non-emergency calls
Customer Care Team
0800 040 7766
Image of Northern Gas workman stood on roadside next to Northern Gas van and digger

NGN: the gas distributor for the North of England

We deliver gas to 2.9 million homes and businesses. We provide an essential service for those communities, working to improve our network for our customers today and supporting cleaner energy for the customers of tomorrow.

We’ve spent the last decade transforming our business into something very different from a traditional utility company. We will keep pushing the boundaries of efficiency as we work towards a cleaner energy future.

Where we work

Our vision is for a fairer, greener future for the North of England

A business you can rely on in an uncertain energy future

Safety. Reliability. Customer service. Sustainability. Cost efficiency. We have an exemplary track record – all shown in the regular performance reports we submit to Ofgem. We can only do this because of the transformative journey that we’ve been on to evolve our business into a modern utility business underpinned by:

An agile, progressive and innovative workforce
An efficient and low-cost supply chain
A modern IT system powering our processes
An open and collaborative working culture

We’ve achieved a lot since the start of the RIIO price controls in 2013:

No.1 for efficiency

Set the standard for efficiency, maintaining our position as the most efficient gas network in Great Britain year in, year out – a standard we’ve held since 2005

80% plastic network

Replaced 80% of our network that supplies homes and businesses with modern plastic pipes to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers

£1,649 million

Invested £1,649 million in modernising our network to improve safety, resilience and reliability of supply through local businesses and our supply chain

Fast emergency response

Responded to over 99% of gas emergencies within our agreed 1- and 2-hour timeframes

99.999% reliability

Delivered 99.999% network reliability – on average our customers experience an unplanned interruption to their gas supply once in every 240 years

9.26 out of 10

Continually improved customer satisfaction, achieving an overall average customer satisfaction score of 9.26 out 10 in 2023/24

1,145,500 tonnes of CO2 saved

Reduced our environmental impact by cutting gas leakage by 39%, saving 1,145,500 tonnes of CO2

£55 million

Provided £55 million of social benefits through our work with trusted partners to support customers in vulnerable situations

£15 million

Reported £15 million of customer benefits through investing in innovation such as developing a robot to assist in locating gas leaks, reducing repair time, disruption and air pollution

Read on to find out more about our what we plan to deliver

Explore our plan