Keeping the North Cooking on Gas



is the area we serve - spanning large urban centres of population and sparse rural areas.


the number of customers to which we transport gas.


we directly employ around 1,300 people and provide regular work to around 800 contractors.

the number of days that our engineers are out on the streets every year carrying out planned and unplanned upgrades and emergency repairs.


the length of pipeline that we own - equivalent to Leeds and Sydney and back again.


is how much we generate for the region's economy every year through employment and stimulating consumer spending.


on average our customers only suffer an interruption to their gas supply once every 40 years.


when the heat is on we transport 4 times more energy than electricity networks.

ISO 14001

is the internationally recognised standard for environmental management held by NGN.


the percentage of households estimated to spend more than 10% of their income on heating. We're working hard to reduce this figure through a long running partnership with Community Energy Solutions.


is the amount that we will be investing over the next 8 years to upgrade the regions gas network.


is what we plan to reduce pipe leakage by over the next eight years to help lower our carbon footprint.

'2021 in your hands'

our education programme to raise awareness about carbon reduction, recycling, gas and site safety and carbon monoxide with 11-12 year olds.